Talks that Last

A list for conference presentations, workshops, and other events.

Written by Millie O. Symns


Side Effects of Blogging for a Year

A talk on the lessons I learned after spending a year once a month blogging on my personal website that I managed through Posit tools, such as RStudio.

September 20, 2023

Posit Conference 2023 / Hyatt Regency Chicago

By Millie O. Symns in conference



Measuring the Effects of College Now on College Enrollment and Momemtum

A conference presentation on a paper where we measure the impact of dual enrollment in high school and college courses through the College Now (CN) program on completion of gateway courses in English and math for students enrolled in the City University of New York (CUNY).

November 8, 2019

APPAM Conference / Denver, Colorado

By Tolani Britton, Birunda Chelliah, Millie O. Symns, and Vandeen Campbell in conference

slides panel site